Awardees at Physics Department annual
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Prof. Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell,
Discovery of Binary Pulsars
23rd Annual Katzenstein Lecture
University of Connecticut
- Prof. Bell Burnell with UConn Women in Physics, November 2023
- Annual awards event honoring outstanding teaching assistants
- 北京突发疫情,重磅政策加速落地,A股要大变天了!-爱股君 ...:【北京突发疫情,重磅政策加速落地,A股要大变天了!】周末北京疫情刷屏了,从“战时机制”到“进入非常时期”,这些词总是有种莫名的悲怆。爱股君就身在海淀,太难了!这次疫情集中在新发地,这名字取的,有点邪门了。疾控专家表示,新发地病毒基因测序发现来自欧洲方向,初步判定与 ...
- Annual department hike up Mt. Monadnock, October 2023
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Jonathan Trump, Assistant Professor of Physics, will receive $738,090 over five years to compile a census of supermassive black holes in the universe. This will give insights into how supermassive black holes and galaxies evolve across cosmic time. Trump will also develop a bridge program for underrepresented undergraduate physics majors at UConn to increase their […]
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Professors Luchang Jin and Tom Blum, along with colleagues at BNL and Columbia, Nagoya and Regensburg universities have completed a first-ever calculation of the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment with all errors controlled. The work is published in Physical Review Letters as an Editor’s Suggestion and also appeared in Physics […]
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有了7.9秒的零百加速数据,就一定要当钢炮吗?-爱咖号:1 天前 · 爱咖号《有了7.9秒的零百加速数据,就一定要当钢炮吗?-爱咖号》为您提供:十万左右能落地的小型SUV中,能做到7.9秒零百加速的,除了缤越(1.5T车型)还有谁?但撇开傲视同级的加速数据,这款“小钢炮”的实际驾驶体验到底如何?对于刚刚推出的缤越Pro,我
Dear Friends of UConn Physics, Due to the current health situation and concerns surrounding the Corona virus, we are canceling the Katzenstein Lecture and Banquet scheduled for Friday, March 13, 2023. It was an agonizing decision to cancel, but our first priority is the health of all who would have been attending, our special guest […]
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The Geophysics research group (Prof. Vernon Cormier and students) operate a seismic wave station that continuously monitors vibrations in the earth’s crust, many of which arise from seismic events that happen far away. These waves travel through the deep earth, and eventually make their way to the surface where they are detected. The above […]
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Dr. James Guillochon3:30pm
Dr. James Guillochon
Friday, September 18th, 2023
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Storrs Campus
BPB-131Physics colloquium
Dr. James GuillochonContact Information: Prof. Cara Battersby
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